Joy Filled

Are You a Housekeeper or a Homemaker? 3 Key Differences and Why They Matter


I love Jesus, my family, and being home. From toddler tips to devotionals to products I love, my hope is that you leave here encouraged to find joy in the mundane, ordinary, everyday moments of these glory days we’re living in.


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Raise your hand if you hate housework! (*raises both hands*)

We’ve all been there at one point or another – dreading bathroom cleaning day or putting off those dishes for as long as possible. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why we all dislike these chores so much? Why is there a collective disdain for housework among us mamas?

Is it that the tasks are really that terrible, or does it maybe have something to do with the mindset surrounding these tasks?

Mindset is everything – today I want to help you reframe your mindset when it comes to keeping up your home. 

Maybe you’ve been approaching your housework as a housekeeper instead of as a homemaker – yes, there is a difference.

After we had our third baby, Archie, I gifted myself a few months of professional house cleaning to ease some of the burden and allow me to focus on postpartum healing and bonding. (p.s. I 1000% recommend this if you can swing it. Move some things around in the budget or ask for it on your baby registry or as a new baby gift from a parent!)

I learned some things about housekeepers and homemakers during those few months, Namely, 3 key differences between the two:

Housekeepers focus on how the home looks, homemakers focus on how the home feels.

Housekeepers are doing a job, homemakers are embracing a way of life.

Housekeepers are concerned with the things in the house, homemakers are concerned with the people in the house.

I think sometimes we hesitate to pick up the role of homemaker and wear it proudly – maybe we feel it boxes us in or keeps us locked in to a certain lifestyle. Maybe we think we’re not cut out for homemaking or we’re not savvy enough to be a homemaker.

Friend, embracing the role of homemaker does not mean you need to channel your inner Laura Ingalls Wilder with the homemade sourdough and chickens and all the things. You sure as heck can, but those things don’t make a homemaker.

Homemaking starts with your heart and your attitude towards the role you’ve been placed in and actually, the sooner you embrace the role of homemaker – the sooner you step into freedom because you’ve stepped into alignment with God.

God has placed a mantle on our husbands as the head of the household and the spiritual covering of the home but He’s also placed a mantle on us and given us the important role of maker and keeper of the home. 

Often, we downplay our role or minimize it and when we do that, we step out of alignment with God which is what causes us to begin doing tasks begrudgingly and reluctantly.

But when we embrace that role of homemaker for all that it is, we step back into alignment with God. And when we’re aligned with God,  it’s not always easy, but there is ease. And that’s when we can, like the Proverbs 31 woman, work hard and take care of our homes and families with thanksgiving and praise and a servant hearted attitude.

I don’t know where you’re at on your motherhood journey or your homemaking journey but I want to challenge you this week to take note of your attitude and your mindset towards your chores and your housework.

It’s time to ask yourself – am I housekeeping or am I homemaking?

Ready to dive even deeper into cultivating your thriving home? I created a resource just for you! Through Christ-centered mindset coaching and applicable tools for daily life, The Stay at Home Mom’s Guide to Thrive is a PDF e-course designed to take you from stressed out and overwhelmed to joy filled and thriving.


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I’m a multi passionate gal so you’ll see a little bit of everything around here. You can expect faith + motherhood, Amazon finds, a little home DIY here and there, and a side of entrepreneurship + podcasting thrown in too.  (i’m not the only one with this many passions, right?!)

But alongside everything else, the thing I’m MOST passionate about is helping moms in every season approach motherhood with unwavering purpose, confidence, and joy in a culture where motherhood is commonly viewed as a burden. With every fiber in my being, I believe it’s possible for you to not just love your kids, but truly ENJOY motherhood in all of its messy, mundane beauty and I’m here to help you do just that.

I’m a stay at home (work from home? idk, i’m home all the time) mom of 3 kids under 5 and host of the chart topping motherhood podcast, The Joy Filled Podcast, where I follow through on my promise to help you enjoy motherhood with weekly episodes that bring encouragement, practical tips, and advice on motherhood, homemaking, and keeping Jesus the focus of it all.

My prayer is that you leave here inspired, encouraged, and feeling like you’ve gained a new friend because what’s all this for if not to be in community with one another, right?

Let’s find the joy, amen?

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